MEANWR1.doc. ' ANWR Results Program ' Description: This is a Monte Carlo simulation program to ' compute estimated in-place and recoverable oil and gas ' resources by play. ' Input: Input data is obtained from Excel 97 worksheets Oil, ' and Play-Prospect. ' Output: The principal output is specified in worksheet ' Summary. It consists of estimates of the mean and ' standard deviation and selected quartiles of in-place ' and recoverable oil, NGL, and gas. Size-frequency ' distributions are given in worksheet Distns. ' Supplementary results used to check the program and data ' are given in worksheet Supple ' In addition, three ASCII files are created: ' ProspData is detailed prospects data ' PlayData is summary data by simulation run ' HydroData is first 100 records-hydro output for testing ' Operating instructions: In the Excel 97 Workbook go to ' Tools, Macro, Macros. Then run ANWR1_VBA. ' ' Written in Visual Basic for Applications (Excel 97) ' John H. Schuenemeyer, USGS, 3/31/98-11:30 am Option Explicit 'Declarations Private user_sheet As Object Private data_sheet As Worksheet Private chart_range As Range Private chart_sheet As Chart Private outer_max As Integer Private outer_index As Integer Private inner_max As Integer Sub ANWR1_VBA() 'Define variables Dim i, j, m, ni, nj, fsc, os, minfs, njknt As Integer Dim r12, orf, grf, fplay As Variant Dim proboil, adg, adgr, fpros As Variant Dim GOR, ag, gor1, gor2 As Variant Dim gast, gastr As Variant Dim so, sor, nglr1, nglr2 As Variant Dim sngl, snglr, sg, sgr As Variant Dim pd, fvf1, fvf2, fvf, depth, depthadd As Variant Dim nglratio, ngl, nglr, nglt, ngltr As Variant Dim nglrar As Variant, nglra As Variant Dim nglrag As Variant, nglrag1 As Variant, nglrag2 As Variant Dim temp, temp1, temp2 As Variant Dim press, press1, press2, press3, press4 As Variant Dim zc As Variant, zc1 As Variant, zc2 As Variant Dim marray As Integer, seed As Integer Dim OilR As Variant, OilA As Variant, GasR As Variant, GasA As Variant Dim ProsDist As Variant, njr As Variant, TotClos As Variant Dim Mclos As Variant, Ntotc As Integer, Pclos As Variant Dim mdiv, playa, mplaya As Variant Dim z(1 To 6), TotR(1 To 7), maxfsc(1 To 14) Dim TotIP(1 To 7), NumDep(1 To 4), NDRep(1 To 2) Dim SumIP(1 To 7) As Double, SumR(1 To 7) As Double Dim Sum2IP(1 To 7) As Double, Sum2R(1 To 7) As Double Dim tmpIP, tmpR As Variant, c(1 To 7) 'Obtain input values from worksheets Worksheets("Play-Prospect").Activate Range("h18").Select fplay = Selection.Value 'prob of favorable play Range("h24").Select fpros = Selection.Value 'prob of favorable prospect Range("g30").Select proboil = Selection.Value 'prob prospect is oil Range("f3").Select minfs = Selection.Value 'cutoff value Range("j8:k14").Select ProsDist = Selection.Value 'num of prospects distn Worksheets("Oil").Activate Range("c4").Select playa = Selection.Value 'Play area in thousand of acres Range("g19").Select depthadd = Selection.Value 'Surface to sea level Range("c22").Select ' thousands of feet orf = Selection.Value 'oil rcovery factor, % orf = orf * 0.01 Range("c26").Select fvf1 = Selection.Value 'fvf equation parameter Range("e26").Select fvf2 = Selection.Value 'fvf equation parameter Range("c29").Select gor1 = Selection.Value 'GOR equation parameter Range("e29").Select gor2 = Selection.Value 'GOR equation parameter Range("c31").Select nglr1 = Selection.Value 'ngl ratio eqn parameter Range("e31").Select nglr2 = Selection.Value 'ngl ratio eqn parameter Range("j10:u16").Select pd = Selection.Value 'hydro volume parameters Worksheets("Gas").Activate Range("d19").Select grf = Selection.Value 'gas rcovery factor, % grf = grf * 0.01 Range("c23").Select nglrag1 = Selection.Value 'ngl+cond to NA gas eqn parameter Range("e23").Select nglrag2 = Selection.Value 'ngl+cond to NA gas eqn parameter Range("d42").Select press1 = Selection.Value 'gas press eqn parameter Range("f42").Select press2 = Selection.Value 'gas press eqn parameter Range("d43").Select press3 = Selection.Value 'gas press eqn parameter Range("f43").Select press4 = Selection.Value 'gas press eqn parameter Range("d45").Select temp1 = Selection.Value 'gas temp eqn parameter Range("f45").Select temp2 = Selection.Value 'gas temp eqn parameter Range("d47").Select zc1 = Selection.Value 'gas compress eqn parameter Range("f47").Select zc2 = Selection.Value 'gas compress eqn parameter Worksheets("Distns").Activate 'In place Range("b5:n6").Select so = Selection.Value 'store num of dep & total oil Range("b9:n12").Select 'gas sg = Selection.Value Range("b16:n18").Select 'ngl sngl = Selection.Value Range("b22:n23").Select 'Recoverable sor = Selection.Value 'store num of dep & in-place oil Range("b26:n29").Select sgr = Selection.Value 'gas-recoverable Range("b33:n35").Select 'ngl snglr = Selection.Value Worksheets("Supple").Activate 'supplementary results Range("e5").Select Mclos = Selection.Value 'Clear arrays marray = 13 'marray is the maximum number of log 2 classes For j = 1 To marray For i = 1 To 2 so(i, j) = 0 sor(i, j) = 0 Next i For i = 1 To 3 sngl(i, j) = 0 snglr(i, j) = 0 Next i For i = 1 To 4 sg(i, j) = 0 sgr(i, j) = 0 Next i Next j For j = 1 To 7 SumIP(j) = 0 SumR(j) = 0 Sum2IP(j) = 0 Sum2R(j) = 0 Next j ' The following array stores the maximum field size classes ' Order is oil,ngl,gas for in place and then recoverable For i = 1 To 14 maxfsc(i) = 0 Next i For i = 1 To 4 NumDep(i) = 0 Next i Mclos = 0 Ntotc = 0 Open "ProspData" For Output As #1 ' Open file for output. Write #1, "SimNum", "ProspNum", "O1G2", "O/G", "Closure", "Depth", "Other params" Open "PlayData" For Output As #2 Write #2, "SimNum", "OilR", "AssDGas", "NA_Gas", "All_Gas", "NGL_ADG", "NGL_NAG", "All_NGL" Open "HydroData" For Output As #3 ' Open file for output. Write #3, "SimNum", "ProspNum", "O1G2", "O/G", "Thick", "Closure", "Porosity", "100-WS", "TrapFill" m = 10000 'm is num of simulation runs=num successful plays mdiv = Int(m / fplay + 0.5) 'total number of plays seed = -374 'random number seed, negative integer Rnd (seed) 'initializes uniform random number generator ' subtraction for computing variance if needed c(1) = 0 '3500 'est for in place oil mean c(2) = 0 '1900 'est for in place assoc diss gas mean c(3) = 0 '10500 'est for in place NA gas mean c(4) = c(2) + c(3) 'est for in place total gas mean c(5) = 0 '1900 'est for in place ngl from assoc diss gas mean c(6) = 0 '10500 'est for in place ngl from NA gas mean c(7) = c(5) + c(6) 'est for in place total ngl mean 'main simulation loop For i = 1 To m For j = 1 To 7 TotR(j) = 0 TotIP(j) = 0 Next j NDRep(1) = 0 NDRep(2) = 0 TotClos = 0 njknt = 0 Call SingleS(ProsDist, 1, njr) ni = CInt(njr) 'ni is number of prospects, CInt rounds ' Prospect loop For nj = 1 To ni ' Check favorability of nj th prospect If Rnd() < fpros Then njknt = njknt + 1 'count of successful prospects in play i ngl = 0 nglra = 0 nglr = 0 nglrar = 0 GasA = 0 adg = 0 GasR = 0 adgr = 0 ' Is reservoir oil or gas? If Rnd() < proboil Then 'OIL os = 1 'oil reservoir Call SingleS(pd, 11, depth) 'Sample depth depth = depth + depthadd 'In-place oil, mm bbl 'formation volume factor If depth < 2.17 Then ' thousands of feet fvf = 1 Else If depth > 12.15 Then ' thousands of feet fvf = 1.5 Else fvf = fvf1 + fvf2 * depth End If End If Call SampleOHVP(z, pd, fvf, minfs) 'get size >=cutoff OilA = z(6) Call SizeClass(OilA, maxfsc(1), marray, fsc) so(1, fsc) = so(1, fsc) + 1 so(2, fsc) = so(2, fsc) + OilA NDRep(1) = NDRep(1) + 1 TotIP(1) = TotIP(1) + OilA 'in place assoc-dissolved gas, billions of cu. ft. GOR = 10 ^ (gor1 + gor2 * depth) adg = OilA * GOR * 0.001 '.001 for billions of cu. ft. Call SizeClass(adg / 6, maxfsc(2), marray, fsc) sg(2, fsc) = sg(2, fsc) + adg TotIP(2) = TotIP(2) + adg ' in place ngl from assoc-diss gas, millions bbl If depth >= 15.674 Then nglratio = 100 'units=bbl/millions cu ft Else nglratio = 1000000 / (nglr1 * Exp(nglr2 * depth)) End If ngl = adg * nglratio * 0.001 ' ngl, millions bbl Call SizeClass(ngl, maxfsc(5), marray, fsc) sngl(1, fsc) = sngl(1, fsc) + ngl TotIP(5) = TotIP(5) + ngl ' recoverable oil, mm bbl OilR = OilA * orf ' orf recoverable oil Call SizeClass(OilR, maxfsc(8), marray, fsc) sor(1, fsc) = sor(1, fsc) + 1 sor(2, fsc) = sor(2, fsc) + OilR TotR(1) = TotR(1) + OilR 'wellpoil=.16*OilR*z(2) ??? ' recoverable assoc-dissolved gas, billions of cu. ft. adgr = OilR * GOR * 0.001 Call SizeClass(adgr / 6, maxfsc(9), marray, fsc) sgr(2, fsc) = sgr(2, fsc) + adgr TotR(2) = TotR(2) + adgr ' recoverable ngl from assoc-diss gas, millions bbl nglr = adgr * nglratio * 0.001 Call SizeClass(nglr, maxfsc(12), marray, fsc) snglr(1, fsc) = snglr(1, fsc) + nglr TotR(5) = TotR(5) + nglr Else 'GAS 'Note that provision was made for sampling from ' separate distributions for non-associated gas ' however in this study all hydrocarbon distributions ' are specified on the Oil worksheet. os = 2 'code for gas Call SingleS(pd, 11, depth) 'Sample depth depth = depth + depthadd If press4 = 0 Or depth <= 10 Then press = press1 + press2 * depth 'Pressure, psi Else press = press3 + press4 * depth End If temp = temp1 + temp2 * depth Call gasc(press, temp, depth, zc) Call SampleGHVP(z, pd, zc, temp, press, minfs) GasA = z(6) ' in place NA gas, billions of cu. ft. Call SizeClass(GasA / 6, maxfsc(3), marray, fsc) 'size class sg(1, fsc) = sg(1, fsc) + 1 sg(3, fsc) = sg(3, fsc) + GasA NDRep(2) = NDRep(2) + 1 TotIP(3) = TotIP(3) + GasA ' in place natural gas liquids plus condensate to ' non-associated gas (bbls/million cf) If depth >= 15.674 Then nglratio = 100 'units=bbl/million cf Else nglratio = 1000000 / (nglr1 * Exp(nglr2 * depth)) End If nglra = GasA * nglratio * 0.001 'ngl in mm bbl Call SizeClass(nglra, maxfsc(6), marray, fsc) 'size class sngl(2, fsc) = sngl(2, fsc) + nglra 'ngl from NA gas TotIP(6) = TotIP(6) + nglra 'contribution to ngl from NA gas ' recoverable NA gas GasR = GasA * grf 'recoverable gas, billions cu. ft. Call SizeClass(GasR / 6, maxfsc(10), marray, fsc) sgr(1, fsc) = sgr(1, fsc) + 1 sgr(3, fsc) = sgr(3, fsc) + GasR TotR(3) = TotR(3) + GasR 'wellprodg=.62*GasR*z(2) 'recov natural gas liquids plus condensate to ' non-associated gas(bbls/million cf) nglrar = GasR * nglratio * 0.001 'ngl in mm bbl Call SizeClass(nglrar, maxfsc(13), marray, fsc) 'size class snglr(2, fsc) = snglr(2, fsc) + nglrar 'ngl from NA gas TotR(6) = TotR(6) + nglrar 'contribution to ngl from NA gas End If 'end of oil/gas computations 'get total gas and total ngl gast = adg + GasA 'total in-place gas If gast > 0 Then Call SizeClass(gast / 6, maxfsc(4), marray, fsc) 'size class sg(4, fsc) = sg(4, fsc) + gast TotIP(4) = TotIP(4) + gast gastr = adgr + GasR 'total recoverable gas Call SizeClass(gastr / 6, maxfsc(11), marray, fsc) 'size class sgr(4, fsc) = sgr(4, fsc) + gastr TotR(4) = TotR(4) + gastr End If nglt = ngl + nglra 'total in-place ngl If nglt > 0 Then Call SizeClass(nglt, maxfsc(7), marray, fsc) 'size class sngl(3, fsc) = sngl(3, fsc) + nglt TotIP(7) = TotIP(7) + nglt ngltr = nglr + nglrar 'total recoverable ngl Call SizeClass(ngltr, maxfsc(14), marray, fsc) 'size class snglr(3, fsc) = snglr(3, fsc) + ngltr TotR(7) = TotR(7) + ngltr End If TotClos = TotClos + z(2) If i <= 100 Then If os = 1 Then Write #3, i, njknt, os, z(6), z(1), z(2), z(3), z(4), z(5) Else Write #3, i, njknt, os, z(6), z(1), z(2), z(3), z(4), z(5) End If End If If os = 1 Then Write #1, i, njknt, os, OilR, z(2), depth, adgr, nglr, fvf, GOR, nglratio Else Write #1, i, njknt, os, GasR, z(2), depth, ngltr, press, temp, zc, nglratio End If End If ' no reservoir Next nj 'end of prospect loop If TotClos > Mclos Then Mclos = TotClos If TotClos > playa Then Ntotc = Ntotc + 1 Write #2, i, TotR(1), TotR(2), TotR(3), TotR(4), TotR(5), TotR(6), TotR(7), TotIP(1), TotIP(2), TotIP(3), TotIP(4), TotIP(5), TotIP(6), TotIP(7) For j = 1 To 7 tmpIP = TotIP(j) - c(j) tmpR = TotR(j) - c(j) * 0.5 SumIP(j) = SumIP(j) + tmpIP SumR(j) = SumR(j) + tmpR Sum2IP(j) = Sum2IP(j) + tmpIP * tmpIP Sum2R(j) = Sum2R(j) + tmpR * tmpR Next j For j = 1 To 2 NumDep(j) = NumDep(j) + NDRep(j) NumDep(j + 2) = NumDep(j + 2) + NDRep(j) * NDRep(j) Next j Next i 'end of simulation loop 'Summary statistics ' get averages by size class For i = 1 To 7 Sum2IP(i) = Sqr((Sum2IP(i) - (SumIP(i) / mdiv) * SumIP(i)) / (mdiv - 1)) Sum2R(i) = Sqr((Sum2R(i) - (SumR(i) / mdiv) * SumR(i)) / (mdiv - 1)) SumIP(i) = SumIP(i) / mdiv + c(i) SumR(i) = SumR(i) / mdiv + c(i) * 0.5 Next i For j = 1 To 2 NumDep(j + 2) = Sqr((mdiv * NumDep(j + 2) - NumDep(j) * NumDep(j)) / ((mdiv - 1) * mdiv)) NumDep(j) = NumDep(j) / mdiv Next j For j = 1 To marray For i = 1 To 2 so(i, j) = so(i, j) / mdiv sor(i, j) = sor(i, j) / mdiv Next i For i = 1 To 3 sngl(i, j) = sngl(i, j) / mdiv snglr(i, j) = snglr(i, j) / mdiv Next i For i = 1 To 4 sg(i, j) = sg(i, j) / mdiv sgr(i, j) = sgr(i, j) / mdiv Next i Next j Pclos = 100 * Ntotc / m 'Output statistics Worksheets("Summary").Activate 'in place mean and std dev Range("b5").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(1) Range("c5").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(1) Range("b7").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(2) Range("c7").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(2) Range("b8").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(3) Range("c8").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(3) Range("b9").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(4) Range("c9").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(4) Range("b11").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(5) Range("c11").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(5) Range("b12").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(6) Range("c12").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(6) Range("b13").Select Selection.Value = SumIP(7) Range("c13").Select Selection.Value = Sum2IP(7) Range("b17").Select 'recoverable mean and std dev Selection.Value = SumR(1) Range("c17").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(1) Range("b19").Select Selection.Value = SumR(2) Range("c19").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(2) Range("b20").Select Selection.Value = SumR(3) Range("c20").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(3) Range("b21").Select Selection.Value = SumR(4) ' Mean NA Gas Range("c21").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(4) Range("b23").Select Selection.Value = SumR(5) Range("c23").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(5) Range("b24").Select Selection.Value = SumR(6) ' Mean NA Gas Range("c24").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(6) Range("b25").Select Selection.Value = SumR(7) Range("c25").Select Selection.Value = Sum2R(7) Range("b28").Select Selection.Value = NumDep(1) ' Number of pools, mean and Range("c28").Select Selection.Value = NumDep(3) Range("b29").Select Selection.Value = NumDep(2) Range("c29").Select Selection.Value = NumDep(4) Range("b32").Select Selection.Value = m 'number of simulations Range("b33").Select Selection.Value = mdiv 'number of play runs Worksheets("Distns").Activate Range("b5:n6").Select 'in place Selection.Value = so 'num and oil Range("b9:n12").Select Selection.Value = sg 'num NA gas, ass dis gas & NA gas Range("b16:n18").Select Selection.Value = sngl 'ngl from ass dis gas & NA gas Range("b22:n23").Select 'recoverable Selection.Value = sor 'num and oil Range("b26:n29").Select Selection.Value = sgr 'num NA gas, ass dis gas & NA gas Range("b33:n35").Select Selection.Value = snglr 'ngl from ass dis gas & NA gas Worksheets("Supple").Activate Range("e5").Select Selection.Value = Mclos 'Max area of closures Range("e6").Select Selection.Value = Pclos '%total closure>play area|success Range("e13:r13").Select Selection.Value = maxfsc 'Max field size classes Range("e8").Select Selection.Value = marray 'Max num log 2 size classes Range("e3").Select Selection.Value = seed 'Random number seed Close #1 Close #2 Close #3 End Sub Sub SampleOHVP(z, pd, fvf, minfs) ' Computes Oil in place >= cutoff ' Note correlation between z(3) [porosity] and ' z(4)[1-ws] is one. Dim prod As Variant, j As Integer, k As Integer, u As Variant Dim j2 As Integer Line1: prod = 1 For j = 1 To 5 If j <> 4 Then u = Rnd j2 = j * 2 - 1 For k = 2 To 7 If u > pd(k - 1, j2 + 1) And u <= pd(k, j2 + 1) Then z(j) = pd(k - 1, j2) + ((u - pd(k - 1, j2 + 1)) / (pd(k, j2 + 1) - pd(k - 1, j2 + 1))) * (pd(k, j2) - pd(k - 1, j2)) prod = prod * z(j) End If Next k Next j ' in place oil in millions of bbl z(6) = prod * 7.758 * 10 ^ -6 / fvf If z(6) >= minfs Then Exit Sub Else GoTo Line1 End If End Sub Sub SampleGHVP(z, pd, zc, temp, press, minfs) ' Computes Gas in place >= cutoff ' Note correlation between z(3) and z(4) is one. Dim prod As Variant, j As Integer, k As Integer, u As Variant Dim j2 As Integer Line1: prod = 1 For j = 1 To 5 If j <> 4 Then u = Rnd j2 = j * 2 - 1 For k = 2 To 7 If u > pd(k - 1, j2 + 1) And u <= pd(k, j2 + 1) Then z(j) = pd(k - 1, j2) + ((u - pd(k - 1, j2 + 1)) / (pd(k, j2 + 1) - pd(k - 1, j2 + 1))) * (pd(k, j2) - pd(k - 1, j2)) prod = prod * z(j) End If Next k Next j 'in place gas in billions of cu ft z(6) = prod * 0.00000154 * (press / temp) / zc ' 1540e-09=43.56 * 10 ^ -9 * (519.7 / 14.7) If z(6) / 6 >= minfs Then Exit Sub Else GoTo Line1 End If End Sub Sub SingleS(pd, j, z) ' Random Deviate from Fractile Distribution Dim k As Integer, u As Variant u = Rnd For k = 2 To 7 If u > pd(k - 1, j + 1) And u <= pd(k, j + 1) Then z = pd(k - 1, j) + ((u - pd(k - 1, j + 1)) / (pd(k, j + 1) - pd(k - 1, j + 1))) * (pd(k, j) - pd(k - 1, j)) End If Next k End Sub Sub SizeClass(size, maxf, marray, fsc) ' Computes size class in log based 2 fsc = Int(Log(size) / Log(2)) - 1 ' size class If fsc < 1 Then fsc = 1 If fsc > maxf Then maxf = fsc If fsc > marray Then fsc = marray End Sub Sub gasc(p0, t0, depth, z) 'Estimates gas compressibility ' Ref: Microcomputer Programs for Petroleum Engineers ' p- pressure ' t- degrees Rankine ' depth- 1000 ft ' z- gas compressibility Dim dr(1 To 6), drp(1 To 6) Dim i, k As Integer Dim a, b, c, e, f, g, t2, fdr, gdr, t, p As Variant If depth <= 3 Then 'depth <=3,000 ft z = 1 - 0.11 * depth + 0.0125 * depth * depth Exit Sub End If ' Use Mricocompute algorithm for depths > 3000 ft ' t and p are reducted temperature and pressure ' using gas gravity of 0.6 and Fig 17 furnished by ' John Quinn t = t0 / 358 p = p0 / 672 a = 0.06423 f = 0.6845 dr(1) = 0.27 * p / t b = 0.5353 * t - 0.6123 t2 = t * t c = 0.3151 * t - 1.0467 - (0.5783 / t2) e = 0.6816 / t2 g = 0.27 * p For i = 1 To 5 drp(1) = dr(i) For k = 2 To 6 drp(k) = drp(k - 1) * drp(1) Next k fdr = a * drp(6) + b * drp(3) + c * drp(2) + t * drp(1) + e * drp(3) * (1 + f * drp(2)) * Exp(-f * drp(2)) - g gdr = 6 * a * drp(5) + 3 * drp(2) + 2 * c * drp(1) + t + e * drp(2) * (3 + f * drp(2) * (3 - 2 * f * drp(2))) * Exp(-f * drp(2)) dr(i + 1) = dr(i) - fdr / gdr Next i z = dr(6) End Sub 1 1